Shine up the bulbs

Shine up the bulbs

All exposed bulbs should be dust free. Most commonly seen on chandeliers and bathroom fixtures. These bulbs can get a very light layer of dust on them. This really distracts from the "Pop" of the home. Be sure bulbs are cool before trying to clean. 

Doors sparkle factor

Doors sparkle factor

Be sure the area around all door knobs, interior and exterior, is clean. It is one of the most common missed areas to clean. When opening a door for the first time we look at the door knob, once we open the door 3 times we quit looking. Buyers will be looking for the first time.

Brag about school pride

Brag about school pride

Highlight the local schools and their achievements. Buyers understand that schools are important if they have children but that they are very important for selling in the future. I will get you full school reports before you hit the market. If the schools in your neighborhood are not that good... ignore this tip.

Chalk up positive vibes

Chalk up positive vibes

Chalk and dry erase boards that are mounted can show off a home's energy. Clear off the to do list and replace with "Art Walk Friday," "The Murphy's Dinner Party Saturday," "Food Truck Thursday" and "Awards Banquet Tuesday." Home buyers are looking for a style of living.

Tee up buyers to your area

Tee up buyers to your area

The Valley of the Sun is well blessed with many great golf courses. Put out information on the local courses and how close they are to your house. During summer months separate your area with showing summer golf rates. 29 million Americans play golf and the average income of a US golfer is $92,000.

Dress the dresses for success

Dress the dresses for success

Master closets can really catch a buyers attention. First clean out and only have the clothes you will need for next 3 months. New carpet is inexpensive for a closet and can be made fun with a splash of color and a bold print. Make a space for a floor mirror and even add a small chandelier and you have a master closet that will keep them talking.