Best place to get Phoenix home value?

Many homeowners just love to check in to see how the value of their home is doing. Many times before selling their homes people will want an estimate of what price they can expect from their house. The web has become filled with these free home valuators. I recently wrote a post on how and why these estimates or zestimates or whatever they want to be called typically fail. Check it out here.

Homeowners want to check in on one of their largest assets value. I get that. Even though I offer to run a competitive market analysis they still want the freedom to do it themselves. So, for those people I recommend

StreetScout is only available for the Phoenix market which includes the surounding cities like Scottsdale, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Tempe and Chandler. This is what makes it much better than its competitors. StreetScout incorporates market data from provides like The Cromford Report to coincide with recent sales in a neighborhood. This additional data of inventory levels and buyers demand make the StreetScout better typically better than sites like Zillow in my opinion.  

Hope this helps those with the need to know. An remember, I am never too busy to answer your real estate questions. John Schloz 602-570-5905